Email Marketing is one of the best methods to drive traffic to your website, YouTube videos or landing page.
with the help of Email Marketing, you can drive any type of audience to your website easily and you can easily convert that traffic into revenue.
Now, if you are reading this article, then you may be searching that How to create a Marketing Email in Gmail.
Many people also search on Google that, How can I create a template email in Gmail, Email marketing with Gmail, Can I use Gmail for email marketing etc.
Don’t worry, today, in this article, I am going to explain to you in detail that how you can create a marketing email campaign in Gmail without any Investment.
Today, there are multiple Email Marketing Tools or Services, that are helping you in your business, where you can simply design, manage or automate your email campaign.
And these email services are paid as well as free, but the majority of the services are paid. There are also some companies that also offer you some limited Free service so that you can use it and also do email marketing.
One of those Free email marketing service providers is GMass. You can take the help of GMass to do email marketing with Gmail.
In this valuable article, you will not only learn about how to create an email campaign in Gmail but I will also provide some strategies related to Email Marketing.
So, let us begin with this article…
How to create a Marketing Email in Gmail (6 steps)

In order to create a high converting marketing email in Gmail with the help of GMass, you should follow the given steps in a better way.
So, here are some practical steps, that you need to follow to create a successful email marketing campaign in Gmail.
Step: 1 Paste Email List in Google Sheets
In order to send a marketing email, all you need is an email list of your subscribers or followers of your website or whatever.
I am pretty sure that you have a good amount of targeted emails in your email list, which you have collected from your website.
So, all you need to do is simply copy those emails and then after copying them, all you need to do is simply come on the Google Sheets.
After coming on the Google Sheets, you need to create a blank sheet and then, the work you need to do is to paste all those emails in this blank sheet.
Make sure that you are signed in with the same email in Google Sheet from which you want to send bulk emails.

Then you can name this Google sheet as you wish, it can be as an Email list, Subscribers list or marketing list.
NOTE: You must name this Google sheet document
So, once you are done with this, it means that you have completed the 1st step of your whole work.
Step: 2 Install GMass Extension
So, if you need to send bulk emails from Gmail, then for this you must need this powerful tool or extension, which is GMass.
GMass is basically an email marketing tool, that helps you to send bulk emails to your email list and in this way, you can drive traffic to your website with the help of email marketing.
GMass comes with a Free as well as Paid plan.
In its Free plan, you are limit to send only 50 emails every 24 hours with one account. So, if you are a beginner, then I think that this plan is enough.
Although, if you want to increase the sending limit of your GMass account, then you can easily upgrade it to its Premium plan, which is not so expensive.

So, all you need to do is first Install GMass to your chrome for 100% Free.

For this, you need to first on the chrome web store and then, you need to search their GMass and simply click on the Add to chrome button.
Step: 3 Connect Google Sheets with GMass
So, as soon as you install GMass, it will automatically take you to your Gmail account.
Now, in order to start creating your marketing email in Gmail, you first need to connect Google Sheets with the GMass.
Make sure that you are signed in with the same email in Gmail from which you want to send bulk emails.
At the top of the page, you can see the 3 options are available which are by GMass. so, all you need to si is simply click on the first option, which is of Google Sheet.

Now, it will ask you to connect your GMass account to your Google account. So, you need to simply click on the blue button.

So, once you click on that button, it will ask for some permissions and then it will connect your GMass with your Google account or Gmail account.
After this, if you again try to click on that Google Sheet icon, which is at the top of the page, so this time, it will only ask you to choose the spreadsheet, in which you have your email list.

So, all you need to do is simply, choose that spreadsheet and then simply click on the connect to spreadsheet button.
Hence, this will connect your spreadsheet to your GMass account and now you are completely ready to create your own marketing email in Gmail.
You can watch this practical video to connect Google Sheets with GMass
Step: 4 Write Email Template
After finishing all the steps in a proper way, we have come to the most important step that is to write an attractive and high converting email template.
In order to convert that reader or to drive that reader to our website or landing page, we need to write engaging email content.
So, that it can win the readers heart and you can generate revenue.
In order to write a good email template, you need to be very clear to your readers and first of all, let me tell you that don’t try to do spamming by posting too many links in the content.
Basically, there is no such email script that you need to follow while writing high converting email content. It depended on the type of page you are promoting.
For example: If I want to promote one of my Affiliate Marketing blogs on ‘How to Make your 1st $100 in Affiliate Marketing‘, so for this, I need to write email content in such a way, that I can convince the reader to follow that link.
So, as you can see the image, which is given below is an example of the email template, which I have written for my email campaign in Gmail.

In this email content, I don’t write a long-form article. I have simply completed it in just 4-5 lines and this is also a good way to attract a reader. As usually, a reader, don’t read long emails.
It is the Truth.
So, all you need to do is simply say what to want to say but in few lines and then you can conclude it by writing some call to action sentence or a word.
Don’t ever try to paste your affiliate links directly in your email content, you first need to make a landing page or you can use your website to promote any Affiliate program.
Also, don’t give more than 4-5 links in your email content, as if you will do this, then it will become a spam page instead of a marketing email.
In the end, you can also give the link to your own website, as it has a good impact on the reader’s mind.
Step: 5 Send with GMass
So, once you are done writing your email marketing template in Gmail, then let me congratulate you first because you have completed the most important step.
Now, all you need to do is simply send this email campaign to all users whose emails you have in that spreadsheet.
Before sending, just make sure that in that spreadsheet, you don’t have more than 50 emails, because, in the Free version of GMass, you are limit to send only 50 emails per day.
If you will click on the GMass dropdown, then you will be able to see many advanced options, which you can use in your email campaign and this will make your campaign more attractive and converting.

If you want to Schedule your campaign and want to send it after some time, you can even do this, with the help of this awesome GMass tool.
But, don’t forget to give the unsubscribe link at the end of your marketing campaign, because if the user doesn’t want to receive your emails and want to unsubscribe to you, then he can simply do this, by following that link.
This is very necessary as if will not do this, the users may put your emails in the spam and this gives a bad signal to Gmail. Hence, you should be aware.
Now, in order to send your email marketing campaign, all you need to do is simply click on the GMass button, which is in red colour.
Steps: 6 Track your Campaign Performance
Now after sending or scheduling your email campaign, it will be sent to the user’s emails, but all the emails may not arrive in the inbox, some may arrive in the inbox, some in primary or even in the spam.
This is is usually because of the email template which you have made and this is the reason that I always prefer to use only text in the template instead of so many images or graphics.
So, if you really want to track your campaign performance, then you can simply do this with the help of the GMass extension, by looking at the left side panel, there you can see some options by GMass like GMass Reports, GMass scheduled etc.

By visiting these options, you can easily check that how any of your emails were opened and how many clicks you have got on the link, which you have placed inside your content.
Along with this, it will also tell you that how many emails were got bounce and data related to it.
You can watch this video to know more about how to check campaign performance
After just analyzing the performance, you can try to improve your email template, so that your maximum emails can arrive in the inbox and get more opens.
So, once you are done with all these steps, I hope that I am able to solve your query on How to create a Marketing Email in Gmail.
How to write a High Converting Email
In order to become successful in email marketing, the only thing which you need to do is to write a very high converting email, so that if a reader reads it gets forced to follow the link inside that content.
There are many tips and strategies available on the internet that teaches you about how to write a good email template so that you can win the customers heart as well as pocket.
As I told you before that, in this article, I will also share some strategies of email marketing and hence I will also tell you that how you can write a good marketing email in Gmail.
There are some points that you need to remember while writing a good email template.
1. Catchy & Clickable subject
A good YouTube video is one, which has an attractive thumbnail and a catchy title.
Similarly, a good email campaign is one, which has a catchy title as well as preview text. If you have made these two things catchy, then you are going to win in email marketing.
You have seen in your Gmail inbox, there are many emails and some are from the people like us, who want to promote their website, product or service.
So, if you notice, their subject line and the preview text, you will come to know that they used such kind of words or sentences, that attracts readers mind and hence we click on those emails.

Hence, you too need to do the same. You first take your time to think about the subject line and preview text (starting sentence of the email), it should be very attractive.
2. First Provide value
I have seen many emails of experts, who never tells about their website or product which they are promoting, first they share their ideas or provide some kind of value like a free ebook or course.
In this way, they are trying to win the readers heart and if they are successful, then they can easily win the readers pocket.
So, you simply need to do the same, don’t ever come to the main point, first try to build a conversation with that readers. Try to communicate in such a way like that reader is sitting in front of you.
You too can provide some free value like an ebook, course or some other kind of value in which that user is interested.
In this way, you can win the trust of the readers and then those readers will not hesitate to follow your link in the content or to buy the product that you are promoting.
3. Write in short
Now, if you try to write the email content as a blog post or long-form article, then no one is going to read that, people will open your email and will skip and come back.
This is because no one wants to read the long-form email, everyone wants a short email, that speaks clearly.
So, all you need to do is simply follow this strategy and write to write short email content by leaving a line after each line ends.
As you can see in the email content sample above, that I have written a short email with a line gap after every line.
This makes your email content more neat and clean and a reader will read that short email and hence your chances are high to drive that reader to your page.
4. Play with the Readers mind
Now, this is also one of the most important and noticeable strategies that you need to focus on and implement in your email marketing campaign.
As you all know that readers are humans and convincing a human is so difficult, so all you need to do is simply try to play with the minds of those readers.
You should use some copywriting strategies in your email content so that it attracts the reader’s mind and forced them to do, what you want them to do.
As you can see the email content sample, which I have showed you above, so if you will read that, you will find that I am trying to give the opportunity to the readers to earn their 1st $100 in Affiliate Marketing.
By doing this, I am simply trying to draw the readers attention to my email.
5. Don’t do Spamming
You should never ever do spamming in your email content, as if you will try to do this, then your whole email marketing career will be destroyed.
If you are a beginner, then let me make you aware that don’t try to place more than 4-5 links in your email content. If you will use many links, then it will look like a spam page.
Also, if you do so, then your email will never arrive in the inbox, instead, it will arrive in the spam folder of a Gmail user.
So, all you need to do is be genuine and do email marketing in the right way, so that you don’t get banned by any email marketing tools.
Try to send emails to your email list without any links in it, instead, you can provide some free value to the users. Do this for 3-5 days and then start sending emails with your product or service links to the same email list.
This will build trust in your audience.
How to collect Emails for Email Marketing
In order to run a successful email marketing campaign, the first thing, which you need is a good amount of targeted email list.
Now, I will also tell you how you can build your own email list and that email list will be of targeted audience that will give you a good conversion rate.
So, here are some ways, through which you can easily collect or build your email list for email marketing.
1. Offer Free Video Course
Now, in order to take an email from a user, you need to provide something to it and that can be a video course also.
So, for this, you need to simply launch your own video course for 100% Free on your website or somewhere else and you have to promote your course, so that more and more people can enrol in it by simply submitting their email.
But make sure that you provide value on that course, because if you will do so, then you are going to be benefited in future.
By creating high-quality video content with the help of an easy video editor that provides value to your target audience, you can attract potential customers and build trust with them.
By requiring an email address to access the course, you can collect valuable leads that you can nurture and convert into paying customers over time.
2. Offer Free Ebook
Along with the Free video course, you can also provide a Free ebook to the people, so that in order to access that ebook, they can simply provide their emails to you.
Let me tell you that, this is the simplest way to collect emails, as in this, you just need to promote your ebook page to collect emails.
Make sure that the ebook should be on a topic that has a high demand in that market and it should not be on the micro-niche topics.
You should choose a broad niche topic ebook so that maximum people can enrol it by simply submitting their emails and in this way, you can build your email list.
3. Using Facebook Ads
This is a Paid method and a very high converting method.
If you will use this method, you will not only get emails, but you can simply drive traffic to your website or landing page.
Using Facebook Ads, you can easily run campaigns relevant to your content or website niche, so that it can reach the most targeted audience and can easily convert that audience.
Believe me, this particular method is going to help a lot in building your email list.
4. Ask to Subscribe to you
Now, in your website blog posts or pages, you can simply ask the visitors to subscribe to you by simply submitting their emails.
So, for this, you need to give an option of subscribing, so that visitors can subscribe to you and you can get their emails.
You can give this option in the sidebars, in the header or inside the footer.
5. Use Newsletter Popups
This is the most powerful way to collect the emails of your website’s visitors.
You may have seen many websites on the internet that has popups or newsletter, ebook, webinar offer etc. These popups appear on the website after some time or some conditions.
So the main motive of these popups is to take your email by providing you with a free ebook or anything else.
On this website (, you may also have seen some kinds of popups that ask you to subscribe by dropping your email.
So, you just simply need to do the same on your own website. In your WordPress website, you need to create some popups that ask visitors to drop their email.
For doing this, you can take a help of a partially free WP Plugin, which is Convertful.
You simply need to create a free account on this Convertful website and then you need to install the Convertful plugin in your WP dashboard and then simply connect both of them.
Best Alternative of GMass
GMass is one of the best email marketing tools for beginners. As it is very easy to use and understand.
But as compared to the other email marketing tools, GMass has limited features and hence, if you want to do email marketing in a better way or want to grow your business, then you need to look for another tool.
Although there are multiple email marketing tools available, those are very costly.
So, I would like to recommend to you the Best Email Marketing Tool, as it is very affordable and has cheap plans, which is GetResponse.
FAQs on ‘How to create a Marketing Email in Gmail’

1. How do I use Gmail for marketing email?
In order to use Gmail for Email Marketing, you simply need to use one tool, which is GMass.
Basically, it is a chrome extension, that helps you to send mass emails from Gmail only.
After sending a campaign you can also track the performance of your campaign with the help of this GMass tool.
2. How do I create my own marketing email?
In order to create your own marketing email, you need an email marketing tool, through which you can write that email and can send or schedule it.
There are many email marketing such as:
Active Campaign
3. Can I send a mass email from Gmail?
If you want to send mass email in Gmail, then you need is a tool called GMass.
Basically, GMass is a chrome extension, that you can use and can easily send mass email from your Gmail account only.
4. How can I legally collect email addresses?
There are multiple ways to collect email addresses legally, such as:
1. Offer Free Video Course
2. Offer Free Ebook
3. Using Facebook Ads
4. Ask to Subscribe to you
5. Use Newsletter Popups
5. Is mass emailing illegal?
There are many people who think that mass mailing is illegal. But let me tell you that it is 100% legal.
Because, while collecting emails from users, a user gives his email with his own will and knows that in future we may send emails and hence, it is legal to send bulk emails.
6. How can I create a template email in Gmail?
Well, if you are using Gmail to do email marketing, then, in this case, you can only use text or images in your email template.
There is no such option to create a stylish or designed colourful email template because there you are using GMass.
7. Can I use Gmail for email marketing?
Yes, of course, you can for sure use Gmail for email marketing and can send bulk emails with the help of the GMass tool.
8. What is a Marketing email?
A Marketing email is an email in which people promotes their websites, landing page, service or products of their own or some other.
They write an email in such a way, that they are doing marketing of their product or service so that they can win the readers heart from their marketing email.
9. Is Email Marketing Dead?
There are many people who think and say that in today’s world, email marketing has dead and has no scope in the future.
So, if you think the same, then let me tell you that here, in this case, you are wrong. Email marketing is a powerful weapon that helps every business to grow very fast.
In the future, its scope, instead of decreasing, will increase, Insha’Allah.
After reading the whole article, I hope that you came to know that How to create a Marketing Email in Gmail.
In this valuable article, I have not only solved your query regarding creating a campaign but have also shared some email marketing strategies as well as tips.
Now, all you need to do is simply take action and try to implement all these strategies in your marketing email template and believe me this will give you better results.